
Wedding reportage in the Rocky Mountains


Your story in pictures - clear and timeless

Hi, I’m Sanna Schaffry. I live in the beautiful Tegernsee valley and work as a wedding photographer worldwide – always with an eye for the unspoken. For moments that can be felt but not staged.
My work is characterized by natural elegance, clear imagery and a deep appreciation for genuine emotions.
What drives me? Capturing the magic between two people – without distraction, without clichés. Just you, the way you are.

Sanna Schaffry Photogrdestination wedding photographer

About my work

Every wedding is unique – and so will every photographic session.
My work begins long before your day – with an understanding of your vision and the desire to create memories that last.

wedding at Sun Mountain Lodge/ Washington
wedding-ceremony-Brush Creek Ranch-Saratoga-Wyoming

Wedding reportages & couple shooting

Wedding photography at Lake Tegernsee and the surrounding area can be booked from two hours. The prices depend on the duration of the photographic accompaniment. Couple and engagement shoots have a fixed price.
For details on services and prices, please contact me.

Discover my work

Destination Wedding photography

For "Destination Weddings", an individual offer is created based on the location, duration and schedule of the wedding. Planning is flexible and tailored to the conditions on site. I will be happy to answer any questions about availability and conditions.

Discover my traveling dates 2025
wedding at Holman Ranch, California

Are you inspired?

Has my work inspired you? Then tell me about your ideas and visions – I look forward to hearing from you.

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